Using an internet marketing for small business strategy such as email permission based marketing, local business owners can grow their businesses despite the economic doom and gloom. If I was to ask a passer by in the high street of my local village here in the UK , if it was possible to double the profits of a local business, I am sure they would say, " never - not in today's economic climate!" The reason many people think that you cannot double profits is because they assume a business would need to double the number of customers - and that would be far harder under recessionary conditions.
To answer this question let us look at what needs to happen in order for a business to grow. There are three ways in which a business can grow
1. Get more customers
2. Increase the value of their transactions
3. Get those customers to spend more often
So in order to double the profits of our local business we could in fact try to achieve any and all of these three factors. Results have shown that profits will double even if you are only able to increase the customers by thirty per cent, increase the transaction value by twenty per cent and increase the frequency of purchase by thirty per cent.
Well, you might now say, I can understand all that, but it's still a hard task in the current recession. With the correct internet marketing for small business strategy it is easily possible. As a local business owner you need to learn how to influence other people to interact with you so that they will do business with you and make a purchase. In short you need to immerse yourself and become a student of marketing.
The primary way you can influence others is to build a relationship with them. You can easily do this with a permission-based email marketing system that follows up on your website visitors and others who opt in to your business email list. Install an opt in form on your website so that it captures the details of your visitors in exchange for a free special report as a gift. Once you have their details you need to be following them up with emails that pre-sell products and services as well as useful information that they will appreciate.
This permission based internet marketing for small business strategy works because it establishes a long term relationship with them to the point where they can trust you enough to make a purchase. After a while you will see that the members of your business email list come to know you so well that each time you send out a mailing. to promote a product they need, they will buy. In this way you can increase the transaction frequency, the value of each transaction and the number of customers who are purchasing. It is a well-known fact that consumers do not usually purchase from strangers.
If you can focus on your customer first, and add value to their lives, you will also find that the money side of your business will take care of itself. As you think more about what you can do for your customer you will find that your work becomes far more pleasurable and the money will follow.
So as you can see, by learning some internet marketing for small business strategies like email marketing, it is possible to double the profits of a local business.
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