Thursday, September 23, 2021

Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings and What It Represents

The Hierophant Tarot card refers to a teacher and the process of learning practical lessons from studying natural law. The energy of this card indicates an source or agent that could reveal the secrets of life, the cycles of the Moon as well as tides and as well as the connections between humans and the sky. Since monasteries were the sole places a person could learn to write and read during the Middle Ages, a Hierophant was one to whom the student could apply for entry. He was the one who define the neophyte's course of study.

Most often, he is depicted with his right hand raised in blessing The Hierophant is connected to the long lineage of Melchezidek, initiator of the Hebrew priestly tradition, the one who carries on the lessons. Shamans from every tradition draw upon this archetype. If you see that the Hierophant card is reversed, this may be indicating that you bring an unnecessary episode of rebellion against traditional, long held ideals and spiritual beliefs that belong to your family. Consider that, without the steadying influence of traditions passed on by generations There would not be a steady support system in which you can be able to resist.

Get a sense of whether you are biting the hand that feeds you. Be careful not to damage your relationship with your relationship to Great Mystery. The Hierophant recommends you return to the position of a diligent student. Find out all you can about your field. Let that knowledge become a part of you and an operative influence on your day-to-day awareness. By doing this you will slowly but gradually establish credibility within your field or subject. Earn respect and recognition through completing your studies and broadening your expertise. If you have all the necessary experience you need, then revise your resume to ensure that others will be able to appreciate your strengths and the value you bring to the circumstance. Concentrate on your goals and stay focused. You might be the one to become a master in your realm.

The Hierophant Tarot Card

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